Saturday, July 07, 2007

Bridal Shower

Last night we had a bridal shower for Sally...bride to be of Travis S. It was a recipe shower.
We sent out recipe cards with the invitations and the ladies packed up the non perishable items on the recipe and that was the gift. It helped these two stock their pantry. They both have owned their own homes for several years and have most of the essentials, so this was a fun idea for them.
The devotional was "God's Recipe for a Godly Wife" ...the Proverbs 31 woman. (SEE ABOVE POSTING). It is pretty amazing that for all eternity, her husband will only be known as "HER husband".
We had our "traditional shower dessert" ...the yellow cake on the bottom with a vanilla pudding/ cream cheese layer covered with crushed pineapple and topped with cool whip...yum!!
As Sally opened her gifts..telling us the recipe in each gift, the giver read questions that Travis had answered the day before. They really know each other, because Sally guessed all most all of them right (what would be your dream vacation, what is your favorite food, where was your first date, etc.). Sally's mom placed the recipe in the provided album as she opened the next.
Their wedding is only six more weeks--so it is coming quickly. We are excited to see what the Lord has in store for them in these coming months and years! Congratulations Sally & Travis!! =)
invitation graphics by mo jackson

1 comment:

Kris said...

What a great little collection of recipes and pantry items she got. They'll make such a great couple, and I'm just in awe of how God's plans for each of our lives are so different...Sally and Travis being the same age as Adam and I and just starting out together. Sally and I were talking last night about what we thought our futures would look like when we were younger and how the reality was completely different. (hers expectations were closer than mine, but still not cut and dry!)

Thanks for the devotional you shared, I'm always challenged by the Proverbs 31 woman!!!
