Saturday, July 07, 2007

Rylie in her tu-tu

Brian sent me these cute photos of Rylie in her tu-tu. He said one of her favorite things to play with right now is play-doh. He has a variety of colors of little cans and lets her pick about 3 when she wants them.

I remember when her daddy and aunt and uncles used to play with home-made play-doh on the kitchen table in the trailer when they were growing up. They would come up with all kinds of snakes and monstors and cars. I loved how those stray little blobs would just dry right up and sweep easily into the dust pan.

Well, I picked up miss Cami after the shower last night. She slept until about 8:20 and had breakfast. We went outside and drew chalk drawings on the driveway and she tried to make friends with the cat for a bit. She was a bit too excited for him so he exited--stage right. She then wanted to swing for a while and it was time to come in and have lunch. She has had a nice long nap and we pray there are a few lightening bugs left this evening, as she missed out on the bug party last weekend while she visited her other grandparents. Off to get Sleeping Beauty up from her rest.....

quick page by Shabby Miss Jenn

1 comment:

Kris said...

Man, every new picture I see of her makes me convinced she looks more and more like her aunt Shelly!!! I don't know that I've seen her with her bangs pulled back yet...makes her look so grown up :)