Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Parties are Over....

We have had so much fun having Cheryl and Dennis over yesterday and overnight. They are headed back home this morning. We went over to Wahoo and checked out a little thrift store while Steve was at the dentist, and then the guys stopped by the John Deere Store while Cheryl and I went to pick up Michael. After supper Cheryl and I played Ya.tzee with Michael and just visited. I wish they could have stayed longer!! I was picking Cheryl's brain on how to re-do my living and dining room after painting. She had some great ideas that I'm going to try after I get this big area painted later on! I think our holiday parties are done and time to get Christmas put away today..... =)
....maybe I'll even redecorate in here and put Christmas away here too... =)


cheryl said...

Well that was a shock to open your blog and see our muglets staring back at us! Ha! We had so much fun with you guys and wish too it could have been longer...and maybe in a WARMER climate! Ha! Thanks again for having us and for your warm hospitality! Ya never know when I'll show up with a paintbrush in my hand, so be on guard! Ha!

Miss ya sistah!

Anna said...

Aw, sounds like a nice visit...sure wish we could have seen them too! :)