Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Everyone's Getting Back....

Whew! Can't believe it has been days since I have posted!

Brian spent the night last night and Cheryl and Amy were up early and packed the car and headed to the airport. I enjoyed the visit sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! It was like a women's retreat! I haven't laughed that much in a long time and I had my own personal therapist to massage my crazy elbow and arm every day. It feels so much better! What a sweet friend! You will have to check out her blog...we also did some scrapbookin'.

We had a mini shower for Brian and Amy. We took off for the store and filled some sacks with all kinds of spices, vinegars, and sauces for their pantry. That girl has a head start on any recipe she wants to try! We had so much fun doing that! =) Brian...the chef that you are...you better stay out of them until you bring a wife back!! =) hehehe

Had a nice long phone visit with Daut this morning, too. Sound like all kinds of people stopping by to help them get ready to move and get this house ready to sell. We are all blessed with so many great friends and family!! Wish I was there to help them finish, too!! =)

I was so anxious to go pick up my boys this morning ....I left too early and sat in the cell phone lot for 45 minutes. It is nice that they have that. They have a big arrival screen that you can watch for all the incoming flights. It is not up to date, as it showed their flight still in progress 10 minutes after he called and said he is walking out to the pickup lane, but it gave me something to watch while I waited. They were 'starving' when they got back, as they ate breakfast at 4am my time, and got back here at 12 noon. The papa is now napping on the couch and Michael is happily back in his room watching a cartoon DVD. The washer is going and the sun shining. Smiley is going to spend a few hours with us later. Think I will take her over to the park. We haven't done that at all this week. I'm sure she will be ready for some swings and slides for a change.

Let me know when you girls get back Cheryl and Amy. Pray you had a good flight..the guys said theirs was a bit bumpy.


cheryl said...

We're BACK~! It's cold! 12 degrees, flurries and wind! Good thing I had warm arms waitin for me! Amy wished she'd have packed "Mr. Wonderful" in her suitcase cuz she's still cold! Looks like I'm back to weather reportin' till Spring!

Thanks again for everything! We had a blast! WHO is going to rub the arm tonight? STEVE...get on it! :)

missin you but glad to be back home! See you soon!

P.S. Grapefruit made it fine, as did the deal I bought! (what's that called? LOL!) I'm making a fresh glass tonight for my hunny bunny!

cheryl said...

Ohhh...it's a JUICER! DUH!!! That was a hard one!

janna said...

sounds like you are super busy on vacation
