Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Photographer in the Family....

I picked Michael up early from work on Monday and took him to Omaha to do a little shopping. He is going with a small group (10 people) to Dis.ney World in October, so he got a new camera. I got the little girls princess camera's for Christmas in July and thought he would take right to that style. They happened to have a Mic.key Mouse one!! He took it to work with him yesterday and is planning on taking it to his other job today. I'll post some of his photos later. I think he is going to run the batteries out looking at the photos and the little extra Dis.ney graphics that you can add to the photos!! =)


Sandy B said...

Oh, boy, I can only imagine how much Mike must love this! :-)

cheryl said...

These are GREAT gifts, Sandy!! Looking forward to seeing what Michael has to show us!
Did you show him the pic I took of the kiddos' when they were here?? The one of the cousins on the activity mat...with Elmo and Cookie under Carters arms?? Thought he'd get a kick out of it!

Anna said...

How fun for Mike, this is perfect for him! ...ours is getting a lot of use, and will over the years I'm sure. Great find.

Kris said...

I think he doesn't need the princess camera at D.isneyWor/d, he'll be taking photos of all of them while he's there :)