Monday, September 21, 2009

Keep on Prayin...

Well, the papa got his INR this morning...finger poke..not what we wanted. It is always higher when they do that and we really don't ever want to get it that way. Well....the result was it was about 2.4. The nurse from the lung Dr. called and said it was too high and she was cancelling the procedure for tomorrow and we could see how the INR does in the next day or so and plan on Thurs. afternoon. NOT what we want to hear. He does NOT want to be off his Warfarin (Coumadin) that long. I called our Dr. in Wahoo and told her and she is not happy with that nurse. She and the lung Dr. had a plan of events lined up and she said to still plan on tomorrow and do not eat/drink after midnight and come in the am and get the INR as scheduled and she will handle it. I am not liking all this drama and neither is the papa. We just want a lot of content people by tomorrow afternoon.....

I had my fun female things done today and also had a mole removed off of my back. The novocaine is completely wore off and it is a hurtin for certain. It has three stitches. I couldn't see it, but it must have been pretty good sized.

Canned 14 more quarts of tomatoes, too. That gives me 57 on the shelf in the basement...all for this year. A big pot of chili sounds good now.... =)

1 comment:

Anna said...

How frustrating, we'll pray that things might still work out to do it sooner than later...thanks for the update!