Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Getting ready...

Cute Farmer has sure been spending a lot of time in the shop and tractors lately. Why, you'd think he was getting anxious to start planting or something! I'm afraid that it will all break loose in about a week from now...unless it is too wet. We do have rain in the forecast for the next couple of days, but if it will go...he will go! It was such a beautiful day. I kept trying to find excuses to go outside. I even asked my boss if I shouldn't go out and wash windows... Rats! He even said yes, but I had the wonderful microfiber cloths at home...they are the ONLY things I use to wash windows now... Thanks for getting me on to them, Amy!!


Kris said...

I'm afraid that microfiber addiction has passed from Amy to Mom all the way out here to this side of the country!

Make sure those beans are nice and high by the time we get there so the kids can go walk 'em this summer!

cheryl said...

By far, their best product! I have Spring fever daffodils and hyacinths are in full bloom!! : )

Amy said...

Yeah, those microfiber cloths are FAB and I won't clean mirrors or windows anymore withOUT them! :)