Sunday, May 01, 2011

We Started Planting...

We started planting corn yesterday. Cute Farmer got a little over 100 acres planted. It sounds like the weather should be pretty good for the coming week, so we hope to get a lot in this week.

A group of friends had a bridal shower for Raquel, bride to be of Lucas T. We have been good friends of his folks, Chris and Greg, for many years. It was such a nice shower. Carrie S. gave a great devotion on MARRIAGE. I might get a copy of it. After the shower, I picked up the grandbabies to stay a few days while we wait for Jada to arrive. She is due today, but nothing happening yet! The kiddos are still napping. I might go wake them up. We have a game of Aggrevation to finish and they wanted to play outside, but we are going to need to leave for evening church in a little over an hour, so we'll have to decide what we want to do! =) They are so much fun. They played outside for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon. =)


Sandy B said...

Please DO get a copy of that devotional.....maybe we could use it for Annette's shower in June? :-)

Hope that news of Jada comes soon! :-)

Kris said...

I still think Dad needs to get my kids out walking beans this summer!!! :)

cheryl said...

You're cute farmer knows how to get some seed planted! I can't even seem to get my garden tilled, much less anything planted! We need SUN up here...bad! Prayin' for a good crop again this year for ya!
And Lucas...well, it's just not possible he's old enough to marry! I think he was just a toddler when we moved. Still miss you! : )